The paper’s primary purpose is to determine changes in
magnitude and causes of institutional maternal mortality in Mozambique. We also
describe shifts in the location of institutional deaths and changes in
availability of prevention and treatment measures for malaria and HIV
Two national cross-sectional assessments of health
facilities with childbirth services were conducted in 2007 and 2012. Each
collected retrospective data on deliveries and maternal deaths and their
causes. In 2007, 2,199 cases of maternal deaths were documented over a
12 month period; in 2012, 459 cases were identified over a three month
period. In 2007, data collection also included reviews of maternal deaths when
records were available (n = 712).
Institutional maternal mortality declined from 541 to
284/100,000 births from 2007 to 2012. The rate of decline among women dying of
direct causes was 66 % compared to 26 % among women dying of indirect
causes. Cause-specific mortality ratios fell for all direct causes. Patterns
among indirect causes were less conclusive given differences in cause-of-death
recording. In absolute numbers, the combination of antepartum and postpartum
hemorrhage was the leading direct cause of death each year and HIV and malaria
the main non-obstetric causes. Based on maternal death reviews, evidence of HIV
infection, malaria or anemia was found in more than 40 % of maternal
deaths due to abortion, ectopic pregnancy and sepsis. Almost half (49 %)
of all institutional maternal deaths took place in the largest hospitals in
2007 while in 2012, only 24 % occurred in these hospitals. The
availability of antiretrovirals and antimalarials increased in all types of
facilities, but increases were most dramatic in health centers.
The rate at which women died of direct causes in
Mozambique’s health facilities appears to have declined significantly. Despite
a clear improvement in access to antiretrovirals and antimalarials, especially
at lower levels of health care, malaria, HIV, and anemia continue to exact a
heavy toll on child-bearing women. Going forward, efforts to end preventable
maternal and newborn deaths must maximize the use of antenatal care that
includes integrated preventive/treatment options for HIV infection, malaria and
Below: Map of maternal death reviews, with HIV implicated, 2007
Below: Map of maternal death reviews, with malaria implicated, 2007
Full article at:
By: Patricia E. Bailey12*, Emily Keyes12, Allisyn C. Moran3, Kavita Singh45, Leonardo Chavane6 and Baltazar Chilundo7
1RMNCH Unit, Global Health Programs, FHI 360
359 Blackwell Street, Durham 27701, NC, USA
2Averting Maternal Death & Disability,
Mailman School of Public Health, Columbia University, New York, NY, USA
3Global Health Fellows Program II, United
States Agency for International Development (USAID), Washington, DC, USA
4MEASURE Evaluation/Carolina Population
Center, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC, USA
5Department of Maternal and Child Health,
Gillings School of Global Public Health, University of North Carolina at Chapel
Hill, Chapel Hill, NC, USA
6MCSP/Jhpiego, Maputo, Mozambique
7Departamento de Saúde da Comunidade,
Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade Eduardo Mondlane, Maputo, Mozambique
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