Saturday, January 2, 2016

Public Perceptions of GPS Monitoring for Convicted Sex Offenders: Opinions on Effectiveness of Electronic Monitoring to Reduce Sexual Recidivism

In the United States, electronic monitoring (EM) and global positioning systems (GPS) are new applications that are used to extensively monitor and track convicted sex offenders. What is unclear though are public perceptions of this strategy. 

This research examines public perceptions of a national sample of Americans on the use of GPS/EM with convicted sex offenders as a method to reduce their sexual recidivism. Using a multinomial regression model, we analyze the effects of sex offender myths and parental status on public perceptions that sex offender GPS/EM is very effective in reducing sexual recidivism. 

Findings suggest that public perceptions of effectiveness are partially driven by myths and also that parents are unsure of this strategy. 

The analysis contributes to the growing body of knowledge on public perceptions of GPS/EM to manage sex offenders in communities. Implications of the study and areas for future research are discussed in light of the findings.

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By:   Budd KM1Mancini C2.
1Miami University, Oxford, OH, USA
2Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, VA, USA.
 2015 Dec 31. pii: 0306624X15622841. 

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