This study examined social
processes of support, goal direction, provision of role models, and involvement
in rewarding activities to explain benefits of participating in Al-Anon, a
12-step mutual-help program for people concerned about another person's substance
Newcomers to Al-Anon were studied at baseline and 6 months later, at which
time they were identified as having either sustained attendance or dropped out.
Among both newcomers and established Al-Anon members ("old-timers"),
we also used number of Al-Anon meetings attended during follow-up to indicate
extent of participation.
Social processes significantly mediated newcomers'
sustained attendance status versus dropped out and outcomes of Al-Anon in the
areas of life context (e.g., better quality of life, better able to handle
problems due to the drinker), improved positive symptoms (e.g., higher
self-esteem, more hopeful), and decreased negative symptoms (e.g., less abuse,
less depressed).
Social processes also significantly mediated newcomers' number
of meetings attended and outcomes. However, among old-timers, Al-Anon
attendance was not associated with outcomes, so the potential mediating role of
social processes could not be examined, but social processes were associated
with outcomes.
Findings add to the growing body of work identifying mechanisms
by which 12-step groups are effective, by showing that bonding, goal direction,
and access to peers in recovery and rewarding pursuits help to explain
associations between sustained Al-Anon participation among newcomers and
improvements on key concerns of Al-Anon attendees. Al-Anon is free of charge
and widely available, making it a potentially cost-effective public health
resource for help alleviating negative consequences of concern about another's
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By: Timko C1, Halvorson M1, Kong C1, Moos RH1.
1Center for Innovation to Implementation, Department of
Veterans Affairs Health Care System.
Psychol Addict Behav. 2015
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