Sunday, November 8, 2015

Exploring Risk Behaviors & Vulnerability for HIV among Men Who Have Sex with Men in Abidjan, Cote d'Ivoire: Poor Knowledge, Homophobia & Sexual Violence

Men who have sex with men (MSM) are at high risk of HIV. Few data are available on MSM and HIV-related risk behaviors in West Africa. We aimed to describe risk behaviors and vulnerability among MSM in Abidjan, Cote d'Ivoire. 

We conducted a cross-sectional respondent-driven sampling survey with 601 MSM in 2011-2012. Sociodemographic and behavioural data as well as data related to emotional state and stigma were collected. Population estimates with 95% confidence intervals were produced. Survey weighted logistic regression was used to assess factors associated with inconsistent condom use in the prior 12 months. 

Most MSM were 24 years of age or younger (63.9%) and had attained at least primary education (84.4%). HIV risk behaviors such as low condom and water-based lubricant use, high numbers of male and female sex partners, and sex work were frequently reported as well as verbal, physical and sexual abuse. Inconsistent condom use during anal sex with a male partner in the prior 12 months was reported by 66.0% of the MSM and was positively associated with history of forced sex, alcohol consumption, having a regular partner and a casual partner, having bought sex, and self-perception of low HIV risk. MSM in Abidjan exhibit multiple and frequent HIV-related risk behaviors. 

To address those behaviours, a combination of individual but also structural interventions will be needed given the context of stigma, homophobia and violence.

Table 1

Sociodemographic characteristics, emotional state, history of abuse and other descriptives of MSM in Abidjan (N = 601).
VariablesUnweighteda % (n)Weightedb % (95% CI)
Sociodemographic characteristics and self-reported STD symptoms
Age (median 23, range 18–51)
18–2459.1 (355)63.9 (57.2–70.5)
25–2925.8 (155)23.8 (18.5–29.4)
30–349.1 (55)8.7 (5.1–12.1)
35–393.8 (23)2.8 (1.2–5.5)
40+2.2 (13)0.8 (0.1–1.7)
Ivoirian95.0 (571)95.0 (92.9–97.2)
Other5.0 (30)5.0 (2.8–7.2)
Marital status
Never married91.5 (550)92.4 (89.5–95.3)
Married0.8 (5)0.9 (0.0–2.3)
Divorced, separated, widow0.3 (2)0.2 (0.0–0.7)
Married or cohabitating with a woman2.7 (16)2.9 (1.2–4.7)
Cohabitating with a man4.7 (28)3.6 (1.7–5.7)
Highest education level started
Never been to school5.8 (35)6.3 (3.5–8.8)
Primary7.0 (42)9.3 (5.8–13.1)
Secondary55.9 (336)59.6 (54.3–66.7)
Post-secondary31.3 (188)24.8 (19.1–29.7)
Work status
Unemployed14.5 (87)17.5 (12.5–22.2)
Student40.4 (243)40.6 (34.7–46.6)
Shopkeeper, retailer, hotel worker18.6 (112)14.5 (10.8–19.2)
Laborer, driver, artist15.0 (90)17.2 (12.4–22.7)
Clerical, professional5.1 (31)4.6 (2.4–6.9)
Sex workers0.7 (4)0.1 (0.0–0.3)
Other5.7 (34)5.5 (3.2–8.2)
Sexual identity
Homosexual43.9 (264)40.2 (34.7–46.4)
Bisexual54.4 (327)57.6 (51.4–62.8)
Heterosexual1.4 (8)1.8 (0.5–3.9)
Don't know0.3 (2)0.4 (0.0–1.5)
Age at first sex with a man
≤105.6 (31)6.0 (2.9–9.4)
11–1521.7 (121)18.6 (14.4–24.2)
16–2054.2 (302)50.2 (43.2–56.8)
21–2512.9 (72)17.4 (11.8–22.8)
26–305.0 (28)6.8 (3.5–11.0)
>310.6 (3)1.1 (0.0–2.9)
Self-reported STD symptoms in the past 12 months19.0 (114)19.2 (14.5–24.0)
Emotional state and history of abuse
Dominant feeling related to whole life in general
Positive feeling46.0 (276)44.1 (38.7–50.8)
Ambivalent feeling13.8 (83)11.5 (8.3–14.7)
Negative feeling40.2 (241)44.3 (38.0–50.1)
PHQ-2 Screen for depression in the past 2 weeks
Screen not depressed74.7 (447)74.3 (69.9–78.8)
Screen depressed25.3 (151)25.7 (21.2–30.1)
History of harassment or abuse because of MSM status44.9 (270)38.5 (32.4–43.6)
History of verbal harassment (threats, insults) because of MSM status40.9 (246)33.0 (27.5–37.9)
History of emotional abuse (isolation, exclusion) because of MSM status9.5 (57)6.3 (3.9–8.9)
History of physical abuse because of MSM status13.8 (83)8.5 (5.5–11.4)
History of forced sex24.5 (147)21.4 (16.6–26.0)
Alcohol and drug use
Alcohol use in the past 30 days
Never27.4 (165)32.4 (26.0–38.3)
Once a week or less49.1 (295)18.4 (14.5–22.9)
More than once a week23.1 (139)49.1 (43.4–55.6)
Non-intravenous drug use in the past 12 months9.3 (56)9.6 (6.2–13.5)
Exposure to HIV interventions
HIV test in the past 12 months37.9 (228)32.1 (26.6–37.0)
Had had an education session with a NGO or a health agent in the past 12 months (not related to HIV testing)48.1 (289)39.9 (34.4–45.5)
a. Unweighted: sample proportions.
b. Weighted: population proportions.

Full article at:

1Department of Public Health, Institute of Tropical Medicine, Antwerp, Belgium
2Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta, Georgia, United States of America
3Family Health International 360, Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo
4Family Health International 360, Abidjan, Cote d′Ivoire
5Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Abidjan, Cote d′Ivoire
6Program for Highly Vulnerable Populations, Ministry of Health and Fight against AIDS, Abidjan, Cote d′Ivoire
Rollins School of Public Health, United States of America
* E-mail: ac.oohay@ohaesoj

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