Sunday, December 20, 2015

An Exploratory Study of Mental Health & HIV Risk Behavior among Drug-Using Rural Women in Jail

Rural women, particularly those involved in the criminal justice system, are at risk for HIV due to the increasing prevalence of injection drug use, as well as limited services. Research on HIV risk correlates, including drug use and mental health, has primarily focused on urban women incarcerated in prisons. The purpose of this exploratory study is to examine dual HIV risk behavior by three different mental health problems (depression, anxiety, and PTSD) among drug-using women in rural jails.

This study involved random selection, screening, and face-to-face interviews with 136 women from rural jails in one Appalachian state. Analyses focused on the relationship between mental health and HIV risk among this sample of drug-using women.

Nearly 80% of women self-reported symptoms of depression, and more than 60% endorsed symptoms consistent with anxiety and PTSD symptoms. Mental health was significantly correlated with severity of certain types of drug use, as well as risky sexual activity. In addition, for women experiencing anxiety and PTSD, injection drug use moderated the relationship between mental health and risky sexual activity.

Based on these rates of drug use, mental health problems, and the emergence of injection drug use in rural Appalachia, the need to explore the relationships between these issues among vulnerable and understudied populations, such as rural women, is critical. Due to service limitations in rural communities, criminal justice venues such as jails provide opportune settings for screening, assessment, and intervention for drug use, mental health, and HIV education and prevention.

Table 1

Sample profile of mental health, substance use, and HIV risk behavior (N=136)
DemographicsMean or Percent
 Years of Education11.2
 Employed in 6 mo. before Incarceration29.4%
 Days Incarcerated (current sentence)76.5
 Number of times incarcerated as an adult6.3
Mental Health1
 Post-Traumatic Stress62.5%
 Endorses symptoms for two mental health problems23.5%
 Endorses symptoms for all three mental health problems47.1%
Substance use (average # days in past 6 months)
 Anti-anxiety medication71.6
 Downers/sleeping pills10.7
 Used multiple drugs in past 6 mo.80.9%
 Mean # of days in past 6 mo. used multiple drugs108.6
 # of days in 6 mo. prior was high on drugs135.3
HIV Risk Behavior
 Ever injected a drug in lifetime75.7%
 Injected drug in past 6 months62.5%
 Shared needles in past year (n=59)70.3%
 Shared works in the past year (n=59)96.6%
 Average number of lifetime male sex partners24.4 (range 2-250)
 Average number of sex partner in past year3.6 (range 0-100)
 Ever traded sex for money/drugs/food53 (39.0%)
 Any past year exchange of sex for drugs or money31 (22.8%)
1Note: Mental health issues based on meeting GAIN criteria.

Full article at:


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