Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Predictors of Illicit Drug Use among Prisoners

The United States of America currently has the highest incarceration rate in the world, and approximately 80% of incarcerated individuals have a history of illicit drug use. Despite institutional prohibitions, drug use continues in prison, and is associated with a range of negative outcomes.

To assess the relationship between prison drug use, duration of incarceration, and a range of covariates.

Most participants self-reported a history of illicit drug use (77.5%). Seven percent reportedly used drugs during the previous six months of incarceration (n = 100). Participants who had been incarcerated for more than a year were less likely than those incarcerated for longer than a year to report using drugs. Participants aged 37-89 were less likely than younger prisoners to use drugs. Heroin users were twice as likely as nonheroin users to use drugs; crack cocaine users were also twice as likely as participants with no history of crack cocaine usage to report drug use.

Correctional institutions should be used as a resource to offer evidence-based services to curb drug usage. Drug treatment programs for younger prisoners, heroin and crack cocaine users, and at the beginning of a prisoner's sentence should be considered for this population.

Purchase full article at:   http://goo.gl/TR26yS

  • 1 School of Nursing , Columbia University , New York , New York , USA. 

 About photo:  http://goo.gl/LIxu50

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